Immersive storytelling is a technique with the aim of giving people the feeling of “actually being here” with the aid of virtual and augmented technology. Therefore, the ultimate goal of a storyteller is to fully immerse the viewer in their story’s world, and it is no secret that technology has helped make their desire a reality.
What makes horror films so exciting to watch? Why do our bodies sweat and muscles tense when we are scare? Fear, is the answer, is that feeling of the unknown that horror movies aim for and the reason why we must check behind our back every time to check that there is nothing unusual behind.
Recreating this fear is my ultimate goal. For this reason, I will be designing a new immersive storytelling based on the idea of experiencing a scene of the famous movie The Shinning. Here the user will experience in firsthand what it feels like to be inside of the famous Overlook Hotel and maybe, experience a couple of hidden things as well.

“The room was inhabited in the past, by a Lorraine Massey who would usually seduce young bellboys who would visit her room. Danny Torrance visited this room after a ball strangely rolled to him from its open doors. Later, he claimed that a “crazy woman” tried to strangle him. Jack Torrance then entered room 237, in search of what his son claimed to have confronted. He instead encountered... “
The user will have the opportunity to put himself in Jack’s shoes and navigate thought the hall we some things might appear all the way to the suspicious room 237.

Here are some sketches showcasing the VR interactions the user will be able to do during the immersion. Additionally, information aboout what each controler allows the user to do.

To design this experience, I used Autodesk Maya to model my scene and my objects. Then will the help of unity I design the user experience by adding movements to my objects as well as implement the Multimodal Interactions and finally with the use of Adobe Premier Pro I edited a shot video showcasing the overall experience in a form of walkthrough.